
ATS Staffing Solutions


As your organization staffing needs expand, ATS’ contract placement provide the best professional talent, at the speed, to boost your organization’s success.

Our team will deliver resources for short-term assignments, long-term projects or strategic business objectives. Our proven recruitment, assessment and selection processes will find you the resources you need quickly.

Our experienced team will provide highly-qualified professionals who can add business value from day one — and you’ll experience the peace of mind from having a single source that can manage all aspects of your contingent workforce program — from recruitment to onboarding to ongoing satisfaction measurement.

Our team can assist in the following disciplines:

Manufacturing, Green Energy & Recycling. We work with top plants and facilities to provide talent in automation, process engineering, production, quality, maintenance, supervision and all levels of management.

Information Technology. We provide skilled contractors across all disciplines in the IT sector, including several programming languages, databases, platforms, applications, networks, e-commerce, software engineering and securities.

Finance. Our team has the network to deliver a wide range of resources, from day-to-day accounting to risk management and compliance strategies. In addition, we have experience in the latest financial technologies including Robotic Process Automation.

Travel & Hospitality. Technology has changed the way we travel. Increased use of new booking technologies, mobile devices and apps has revolutionized the industry. We have a dedicated team that provides staffing solutions to our global travel & hospitality clients. 

Our services include:


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